Monday, December 15, 2008

Lots of cookies and lots of running

This past week I've been baking lots of cookies. I had the cookie exchange party and then made a bunch of christmas cookies. I can't help but eat some every day! :) LOVE LOVE LOVE cookies :) Here's a couple pictures of Jack helping with the standard cut outs I do every year.

This past Sunday I ran in the Toys for Tots 5K race. My friend and I ran together and we really pushed each other along. I ran the 2nd best time I've ever had for 3 miles. The first time was probably a good 8 years ago! My official time was 26:26. My friend was only 30 seconds behind and we finished 5th and 6th for our age group! (out of 25). I'm pretty happy with myself considering I only run 2-3 times a week. We're planning on running in some upcoming races. Here's a picture of us running. Someone was taking pictures of every runner which was pretty cool.

This week I'm trying to stay busy since Mike won't be home much at all, a busy week at work for him. Can't believe next week is Christmas! I have my christmas cards almost done and all my packages mailed. Just have to wrap the boys presents, which we'll do next week.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

4 month checkup, Christmas tree and more...

Lots has been going on, I can't keep up with this blog!

Patrick had his 4 month checkup and is in the 50th percentile! He is the same length at 4 months that Jack was at 6 months and he's already out growing his 3-6 month clothes! He's doing really well and is so happy and smiley. He rolls over from his back to his stomach all the time now. He likes to watch his big brother run around and play.

Jack is doing great in his toddler bed. I can't believe how easy of a transition it was. I only wish potty training would be this easy! We tried over Thanksgiving but it didn't go too well, so we'll try again over the long Christmas weekend. Jack is talking more and more. He says LOVE YOU :)

Last weekend we got our Christmas tree and decorated. I was worried about the tree and Jack getting into it but he doesn't seem to care. He likes to point out his Thomas the Train decoration though. We are finally done with Christmas shopping for the boys. Now I can't wait to wrap everything! I've been baking lots and lots of cookies. Sometime this week, if Mike ever gets home early enough, I'm going to make the traditional cut out cookies and have Jack decorate some.

This past weekend I had a cookie exchange party here at the house. That was fun! Who doesn't love eating all different kinds of cookies :) Mike took the boys to dinner so it was a fun girls night "out".
I can't think of anything else to report right now. OH! Almost forgot, the boys got their picture taken with Santa last weekend. I don't have a digital copy to share though, but it is really cute, of course :) Jack didn't cry, he just kinda stared at Santa and his beard. Too cute.

Here's a bunch of photos:

Jack jumping off the couch at Uncle Pat's in Charlotte.

Jack in his new bed.

Jack hanging up his Thomas the Train ornament.

Patrick under the Christmas tree.

Christmas 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

He grows up!

It has been awhile since my last upate. We have been busy! Last weekend we drove to Charlotte. It was our first big road trip with Patrick. The boys did pretty well in the car. Thank heaven for portable DVD players! The purpose of the trip was mainly so Mike could talk to his Uncle Pat about business stuff and get a contract started. Only 7 more months!!! I don't know who is more excited for him to start working - me, Uncle Pat or Mike. It was a quick trip and we didn't get to visit with everyone but we'll be back down again soon to look at houses!

For Thanksgiving we drove up to Mike's moms Wednesday and came back Thursday night. We had a delicious dinner and desserts! (I made homemade pumpkin pie - yum!) Of course Jack didn't eat ANYTHING! I think he's getting sick and hasn't really been eating much of anything lately. Patrick is growing and moving all over. He rolls over and likes to be on his tummy and look all around. He has his 4 month checkup next Tuesday.

So, the big news is that Jack is now in his toddler bed! He's all grown up! On Monday he climbed out of his crib! I think because he did it in the pack n play when we were in Charlotte so he tried it again. He only did it that day but Mike went right out and bought the toddler bed and we just put it up today and he's napping in there now. He seems to be adjusting to it fine. The problem will be when he wakes up if he'll just get out and start playing. But the plus side to all of this is that Patrick now has a crib.
This weekend we are cleaning and organizing rooms and getting all the Christmas stuff out. I think we're getting the tree today too!
I have some photos I need to post, maybe later this weekend.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visit from GG, Words and Rolling

Last week my grandma and George stopped to visit on their way down to Florida. It was their first time meeting Patrick. He stayed awake for a little while and gave some smiles. Jack enjoyed playing with both of them. A funny story... we have been calling my grandma GG (great grandma) but when my grandma asked Jack where G was (the letter G) he kept pointing to George! So from now on George is GG and grandma is Great Grandma. :)

Jack is talking more and saying more words that we can actually understand. I keep writing about this because he's almost 2 and it seems like he's behind from other kids his age, but he seems to be catching up now. His speaking voice is so cute! And other big news - Patrick is rolling over! He is getting so big so fast! I think he might have brown hair too, he hasn't lost as much as Jack did so it might just start to grow in now. This weekend is Patrick's baptism so will have more to update and more pictures.

GG, Jack and Great Grandma

Great Grandma getting Patrick to smile.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween and 5K Challenge

This was the first year that Jack actually went trick or treating. We first had a party at playgroup where there were lots of snacks and crafts. Jack wore his pumpkin outfit that Grandma Salvato got and Patrick had on a cute pumpkin onesie. That night we first went to a mall where they had trick or treating, which was ok, but I wanted Jack to have the real experience of trick or treating at houses and seeing all the decorations. So we drove around looking for a nice neighborhood and I walked house to house with Jack. He seemed to really like it, he didn't want to get back in the car! Thank you Jack for getting mommy and daddy some candy! :)

Back in the car going through his candy.

Jack giving Patrick a kiss.

Jack coloring at playgroup.

All ready to go tricks or treating!

Saturday morning I ran in the 5K Challenge race sponsored by State Farm. It wasn't a huge race, which was good since I havn't ran in forever. I actually have not run 3 miles since BEFORE I got pregnant! My time was just under 29 minutes, which is not that good, but was happy considering I havn't been running much. But now my friend, who I ran with Saturday, is into running now so we're keeping each other motivated and have plans to run in some upcoming races. Once a week we are taking turns watching each others kids while the other runs. This is a big help for me since it is so hard to run with Mike's schedule.

This is a busy week coming up. Tuesday is Election Day! It's my first time voting so I'm excited - I just hope the right guy wins!! Wednesday my grandma and George will be here for the night. I'm excited for them to meet Patrick for the first time.
Have a good week!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Comfy chair

Oh My Gosh!!! I just had to put this picture up. I was just posting the last message when the phone rang and I went out to the living room and there was Murphy sitting in Patrick's baby seat!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!

Birthday weekend

So I am another year older and am feeling it now. I think I found some grey hairs too! I had a good birthday weekend. Friday a friend had a wine tasting party at her house so Mike was home with the boys while I went out. I carpooled with another friend and our husbands drove so that was even better. I certainly took advantage of that... had a little too much wine! But it was fun. Saturday for my birthday I got a pedicure which was nice and relaxing. We went to one of Jack's little friends' 2nd birthday party which was interesting. It was our first kids party. They were very thoughtful and made me a little birthday cake too. That night Mike cooked me a really nice dinner. Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood for the nice bottle of wine he got too, my own fault!

Sunday Mike's mom and Frank came out for the afternoon. We ordered lunch in and they got to play with Jack and Patrick. We got some nice gifts for Patrick which we appreciate very much.

Yesterday I went to this Mommy event at Babies R Us where they had games and snacks and you got a free 5x7 picture at their photo studio. It wasn't the best picture as Jack was being very stubborn and Patrick was fussing, but it's a cute photo of both of them and it was free! They also took a picture of Patrick which is soo cute! I copied it from the website so it's not good quality. They are both getting so big! Jack is saying more words now and Patrick is smiling and laughing. He's wiggling alot when he's on the floor too so might be starting to try to roll over soon.

This weekend is a trunk or treat event at the church so we might go to that if the weather is nice. I'll post pictures of that if we do.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MNO, Pumpkin Picking and lots of smiles!

I can't believe October is half over already. I love this time of year but it always seems to go by too fast.

Last night I had my first MNO (Moms Night Out) and it was alot of fun. It was with a bunch of moms from the Stroller Strides class that I joined and we got a tour of the Whole Foods store. I've never been there so it was neat to see and we got to sample some food AND wine! They have a very cool little wine bar area with wine on tap! A friend and I are actually going next week to "hang out at the grocery store"! Seriously though, it was really neat and you can get food from another area, like the bakery, deli, etc and bring it back to the wine bar and eat and drink wine. They have events and wine tastings so we we'll be frequenting that place more :)

Last weekend we took Jack and Patrick to a pumpkin farm where Jack picked out some pumpkins. Can't wait to make some pumpkin seeds! Halloween will be fun this year since Jack can walk and we can take him around to some houses. We still have to find a nice little neighborhood to go to since ours isn't really kid friendly.

Patrick has been getting more active and alert. He watches me and follows me across the room all the time. He is a happy baby and smiles and giggles alot. He's been sleeping well, most days.

Jack is a very good big brother - this picture was taken last weekend before we left for church.

Here's Jack on his way to bed - he LOVES his bear and blanket! (reminds me of Linus from the Peanuts)

That's it for now, hope you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quick Update

It's been awhile since I last posted. September has flown by and tomorrow is already October, my favorite month! :) Let's see, first Mike was gone to Seattle for 5 days for a work conference. That was a LONG week for me! God bless all those single parents out there, it is hard work! Thankfully, Mike's mom came down on a Friday night so I could have a night out. I went to a Tastefully Simple party, which is where you get to sample all kinds of yummy food and had some wine too. It was so nice to be out with other girls for a change. Mike of course brought back some gifties for the boys and some Starbucks coffee and a mug, of course! (Since Seattle is where Starbucks originated).

Jack and Patrick are doing great. Patrick had his 2 month checkup and weighed in at 11lbs. He's slightly bigger than Jack was at this age. He seems to be a chunky monkey though since he's already wearing 3-6 month clothes. I guess just in comparison to Jack, who is a little peanut, Patrick seems big.

I finally started exercising and have been taking the boys out in the neighborhood in the stroller. It's been a great workout for me! I also just joined a Stroller Strides class and went to my 2nd class today. It's alot of fun and actually a good workout. It's a Moms exercise class where you take your babies in the stroller. Other than that nothing much going on. We need to sign Jack back up for soccer again this weekend. Oh, and he is finally saying some words! He's so shy about it but he'll say daddy, airplane, up - at least these are the ones we can understand :) And Patrick is smiling and cooing all the time.

Here's a few pictures we've taken the past couple weeks:

Mike didn't want me to take this picture because he thinks Jack looks like a little girl, but it's so cute and funny. Jack just took a bath and he's wearing a robe, that is obviously way too small for him!

Here is Jack driving a police car at an indoor play area:

Here's a couple cute ones of Patrick:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today is our 3rd Anniversary! Seems longer of course since we've been together for 10 YEARS! This morning Mike surprised me with a nice bouquet of flowers. We'll have a simple dinner tonight with wine and some dessert of course! But we'll be celebrating this Saturday by going to a Bed-n-Breakfast in Charlottesville, VA which is up near the mountains. We're going to stop at some wineries on the way and go out to dinner that night. We are looking forward to it since we havn't been away alone together since before Jack was born. Mike's mom and grandparents are coming down for the day/night to watch the boys. We'll visit and then head off. Of course though now it's calling for rain from Hurricane Hanna that is suppose to coming. Oh well, it'll still be fun to get away.

Tomorrow I have my 6 week appt. and hoping the doctor says it's ok to start exercising. I am finally starting to feel closer to 100%. Still soar and sensitive which will be for awhile I'm sure. I am just ready to start exercising! Next Saturday is a big Stroller Strides event that I'm going to with a friend and I'm thinking that will mark the beginning of my working out, so I'm excited.

Here's a couple pictures. I finally have a picture of me and my handsome boys :)
And Jack sharing his crib with his little brother.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

1 month under our belt

Well it's hard to believe that little Patrick is already 1 month old today. He's definitely grown and we'll find out just how much on Monday when he has his 1 month checkup. He's eating more and mostly sleeping well at night. Everyone thinks he looks just like Jack but I can see some differences for sure. Jack likes to "help" get Patrick's paci when it falls out and he'll give him kisses goodnight which is so sweet. Jack is growing so fast too. He may still be in the 5th % but he seems huge to me now. He's still not talking yet but we're trying. I'm sure one of these days he'll start out of nowhere and we won't be able to keep him quiet!

Not too much else going on. This was a quiet week. I had a 24 hour bug Thurs-Fri so we didn't make it to playgroup, but Mike came home early and took Jack to the park. Jack had soccer this morning and now we'll just hang out and relax all weekend.
I'm still soar, which is very frustrating for me. I think at this time with Jack I was already doing some exercising but I don't feel close to that yet. I'm hoping soon I will be back to my old self. :)

Patrick - 1 month

Jack getting Patrick's paci

Monday, August 11, 2008

Update and pictures

Today is the first day on my own with the boys... it has been interesting for sure. It'll get easier as we get into a schedule. (I hope!). I just wanted to add a few pictures. We enrolled Jack into a soccer program for 18-24 month olds. He's gone 3 times and seems to enjoy it, at least just running around. He doesn't really get involved and do what he's suppose to but it's early and he'll catch on. It's fun to watch him and he has a friend in the class too, one of the other resident's son, Sam.

Jack at soccer camp with Sam

We bought Patrick a little floor playmat, although he's a little too young for it, we tried it out anyways. Jack and Murphy seemed to like it more right now.

Trying out Patrick's new playmat

My mom was here all last week and I was very sad to see her go. She was a HUGE help! We took Jack to the park which he hasn't been in awhile and it was good to get him outside and burn some energy, because he has alot of it! Wish my mom could have stayed for another week, although I'm sure Jack wore her out and she was ready to get home for a break :)
Grandma and the boys

Nothing else going on now, just hoping to get into a routine and get some much needed sleep! Ha ha, like that will ever happen! (Like instead of updating this blog I should be napping...)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Family of 4

Well it's been 2 weeks since little Patrick was born. Life has certainly changed quite a bit. Mike was home for a week and my mom has been here this week but starting Monday I will be all on my own and VERY nervous about that! It'll just take some time to get into a routine, but it's still going to be tough. If anyone has suggestions for me, bring them on! :)

Jack has been good with Patrick so far. He looks for him in the morning and will point to him and push him in his swing, but then will go on to doing his own thing. They are both very cute and we are so proud of our little boys. Here's a couple pictures for now. I've already sent out a bunch, as most of you should have gotten them.

Jack holding his little brother

Little Patrick

Thursday, July 17, 2008

6 more days!!

Well it's official, my doctor called today and my c-section is next Wednesday. I just have to hang in there for 6 more days! I just hope he doesn't come sooner so I better really take it easy the next several days. Expect an update next weekend!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

37 weeks...

Well it could be any day now! I had my 37 week appointment today and I am now 1 cm dialated. My doctor is going to see about rescheduling my c-section for next Wednesday instead of Friday. She's going on vacation after Friday but wants to make sure she's around after the surgery to see that everything is ok, which is fine with me! She is going to talk with the ultrasound doctor - I know there's a technical name for that but can't think of it - to make sure it would be safe for the baby. It's only 2 days earlier so hopefully it'll be ok. Although, there is still a chance I could go into labor before that! I'm hoping not but if this little guy is ready to come out I won't fight it! :) I will keep you updated.
On another note, Jack is doing great. He has now figured out how to climb onto the couch so that's his favorite thing to do, go up and down off the couch.

Monday, July 7, 2008

2 weeks and 4 days...

The countdown has begun. 2 weeks and 4 days until July 25th - my scheduled c-section. I had my 36 week appointment this morning along with another ultrasound and everything is going well. The baby measures 6 lbs. 6 oz, he's already bigger than when Jack was born. I continue to push through and just take it day by day. It is definitely harder this time around, mostly because the baby is VERY low. But I know it's not for much longer!

Our 4th of July weekend was quiet and relaxing. Mike was actually home for 3 whole days! I can't remember when he's been home for a whole weekend so it was nice to have him around and to just be able to rest and relax. I definitely needed it. We did go to a Tomato Festival and Jack got to see some animals. We didn't stay long since I can't really walk for very long, but it was a nice day to be outside. Other than that we really havn't been up to too much. Mike is crazy busy at work but doing well. Jack and I just hang out at home since I need to stay off my feet as much as possible. We have a couple play dates coming up though so that will be fun.

Jack chasing a goat

Jack petting a goat

Jack and Murphy

Jack sitting in his new baseball chair

And that's that! Until next time...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy week

Lots to report about this past week. Jack had his follow up appointment with the urologist and everything is healing just fine. A few stitches still need to dissolve but other than that he's doing great. He also had a follow up appointment to check his weight and I'm happy to report that he gained almost 2 pounds in 1 month! It's been stressful and frustrating trying to get him to eat, most of the time I have to chase him around and shove food in his mouth! I don't plan to do that too much longer, especially when the baby comes. He's eating much better though and is growing so that is good. He's just SO active!

I had my 34 week appointment and everything is going well. My doctor has scheduled my c-section for July 25th! I will be about 39 weeks at that time. She is out the following week so it had to be then. It isn't the best time for Mike as he is Chief resident now and will be busy with a lot of surgeries that month, but if I can have the baby out then that's what I'm doing!! So if everything continues to go well and I don't go into labor sooner then that is the big day.

A friend of ours, who is a wife of one of the other residents, is a teacher and is off for the summer and has offered to babysit Jack whenever she can, so... I took her up on that! She watched Jack while I had my doctors appointment and also while I pampered myself and got a pedicure. She invited us over to the pool at her apartment complex and Jack really loved being in the pool. We will have to go again this week if the weather is nice.

Last thing I want to write about is on Saturday night we went to the annual Chief Dinner, which is a dinner for the graduating residents. Grandma and Papa came down to watch Jack for the night so we were able to go. It was a nice evening and exciting to see the official start of Mike's 4th AND FINAL YEAR!!! Part of what goes on is the upcoming Chiefs get their coats presented to them. I took a picture but it came out really dark so I tried my best to lighten it up. The best part of the night was that Mike received an award of excellence ("it's a major award"). He received the highest percentage on this years OMSSAT exam, which is an exam they take every year. He got a framed certificate and a check. We are very proud of him, especially since he has worked so hard. He gets up at 4am to read so he can spend time at night with Jack and I. I honestly don't know how he does it, but am very greatful and so proud of him.

Mike with his "major award"

Mike being given his Chief Resident coat

Just a random picture of Jack being a little ham for the camera.

Monday, June 9, 2008

32 Weeks

As you can see I'm getting HUGE! It is pretty much all baby too. And because of that I can feel every little move he makes and boy let me tell you, it doesn't always feel good! Everything is continuing to go well. I am tired a lot now and just plain uncomfortable. I'm hoping he comes early but Mike insists he has to wait until August! He's chief resident in July so for his work schedule it would be better if he came in August, but I just don't want to wait! We'll see what happens, he'll arrive when he's good and ready.

Today I went to see a nutritionist for Jack. That went well and it was interesting to see what and how much of things he should be eating. Hopefully this will help and he'll start gaining some weight now. It's just a lot of work on my part trying to make sure he gets the right number of servings and portions a day. Other than that he's doing great. We're just trying to keep cool in this 100+ degree weather!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Successful Surgery

Today was the big day, and I'm so glad it's over! We got to the hospital at 6am but they didn't take Jack back until almost 9am because they had to give the IV and other medication started. The surgery went really well and Jack did great. The only thing he hated was getting the IV put into his foot but once that was in he was fine. They gave him some pain reliever/relaxers and boy did they work! You can tell from these pictures he was kinda out of it. The "crib" they had him in was huge! It looks like a cage! He seemed to enjoy it though.

We got him a big froggy balloon to take home which he loves. He's pretty sleepy today and hopefully will be back to himself by tomorrow. We have to go back in a month to have the urologist check him out. In the meantime he gets some medication for a week to prevent any bleeding. I'm so glad it's over, I just wish we didn't have to go through it again with the next baby!