Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quick Update

It's been awhile since I last posted. September has flown by and tomorrow is already October, my favorite month! :) Let's see, first Mike was gone to Seattle for 5 days for a work conference. That was a LONG week for me! God bless all those single parents out there, it is hard work! Thankfully, Mike's mom came down on a Friday night so I could have a night out. I went to a Tastefully Simple party, which is where you get to sample all kinds of yummy food and had some wine too. It was so nice to be out with other girls for a change. Mike of course brought back some gifties for the boys and some Starbucks coffee and a mug, of course! (Since Seattle is where Starbucks originated).

Jack and Patrick are doing great. Patrick had his 2 month checkup and weighed in at 11lbs. He's slightly bigger than Jack was at this age. He seems to be a chunky monkey though since he's already wearing 3-6 month clothes. I guess just in comparison to Jack, who is a little peanut, Patrick seems big.

I finally started exercising and have been taking the boys out in the neighborhood in the stroller. It's been a great workout for me! I also just joined a Stroller Strides class and went to my 2nd class today. It's alot of fun and actually a good workout. It's a Moms exercise class where you take your babies in the stroller. Other than that nothing much going on. We need to sign Jack back up for soccer again this weekend. Oh, and he is finally saying some words! He's so shy about it but he'll say daddy, airplane, up - at least these are the ones we can understand :) And Patrick is smiling and cooing all the time.

Here's a few pictures we've taken the past couple weeks:

Mike didn't want me to take this picture because he thinks Jack looks like a little girl, but it's so cute and funny. Jack just took a bath and he's wearing a robe, that is obviously way too small for him!

Here is Jack driving a police car at an indoor play area:

Here's a couple cute ones of Patrick:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today is our 3rd Anniversary! Seems longer of course since we've been together for 10 YEARS! This morning Mike surprised me with a nice bouquet of flowers. We'll have a simple dinner tonight with wine and some dessert of course! But we'll be celebrating this Saturday by going to a Bed-n-Breakfast in Charlottesville, VA which is up near the mountains. We're going to stop at some wineries on the way and go out to dinner that night. We are looking forward to it since we havn't been away alone together since before Jack was born. Mike's mom and grandparents are coming down for the day/night to watch the boys. We'll visit and then head off. Of course though now it's calling for rain from Hurricane Hanna that is suppose to coming. Oh well, it'll still be fun to get away.

Tomorrow I have my 6 week appt. and hoping the doctor says it's ok to start exercising. I am finally starting to feel closer to 100%. Still soar and sensitive which will be for awhile I'm sure. I am just ready to start exercising! Next Saturday is a big Stroller Strides event that I'm going to with a friend and I'm thinking that will mark the beginning of my working out, so I'm excited.

Here's a couple pictures. I finally have a picture of me and my handsome boys :)
And Jack sharing his crib with his little brother.