Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chop Chop!

I finally did it! I cut my hair SHORT. I've been wanting to do it for awhile and finally took the plunge this weekend. I love it, now I just have to keep it up and make regular appointments to keep it like this. Mike actually likes it too. I have a picture of the back but need to take a better picture from the front so will post that when I have it.

Saturday we took Jack to the Richmond Zoo. It's not the greatest zoo but it was fun for Jack to see all the animals.

We heard back from the Hematologist and Jack is a Type IIA Von willebrands. Nothing has changed really, he can still use the same medicine they planned for his surgery just that if he bleeds more after then they'll have to give him a different medicine. But hopefully he won't need it. Jack also had his 15 month checkup this past week. He got 2 more shots but should now be good for awhile. Let's hope so! Poor little guy has been poked with a needle too many times the past few months. His weight dropped a little though, so his doctor wants to see him in a month to check it. Hopefully it's nothing. He's just such an active little boy and he's not going to be a huge kid so we'll see.
Tomorrow Jack and I are going to the Outerbanks for a couple days with a friend. I'll be sure to post all about that. I don't think it's going to be too warm but it will be nice to get away for a couple days.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rescheduled Surgery / First Massage!

It has been a busy couple of weeks. First as some of you know Jack's surgery had to be rescheduled, again. This time it was because he had a little cold last week and the Anestheseolgist recommends not being sick for 2 weeks prior. So it is now June 2. I just want it to be over before he gets too old to understand, poor little guy! We are also waiting to hear back from his Hematologist. For those that don't know he has Von Willebrandts Disease like me. He might be a Type II though, which I am a Type I. So he had more blood work done and waiting to hear back about the results. There shouldn't be any other differences for him from what I experience, just that for his surgery he will need to take different medication. It has a been a long process and I am not looking forward to having to do it again with the next baby!

On a brighter note I took Jack to a Romp n Roll class. It was a gym class where they had music and sang songs and got to run around and play. We previewed it for free and it was ok, it's pretty expensive so probably won't join. Now that it's nice out we can go to the park alot and we still go to the playgroup once a week which is fun.

Yesterday I got to enjoy my very first massage! I had a gift certificate from Christmas from Debbie and Frank and finally made use of it. It was for prenatal services so I wanted to wait until I was farther along. I had an upper body massage and a foot massage/pedicure. It was very nice!! And it was nice to have some time to myself and relax. Afterwards we took Jack outside to play, as you can see from the pictures below. There's also some pictures from when we took him to the park.

Mike teaching Jack how to golf.

Playing at the park.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Just another day

There isn't too much to write about this past week. Tuesday we went to a ClubMom event at the mall. It's the first Tuesday of every month and they have free breakfast in the food court and entertainment for the kids. We met a friend and her son and then just walked around. Friday Jack and I went to playgroup. There were a couple new moms that we hadn't met so it was fun to see Jack interact with some new little kids. Mike has been on call most of the weekend so we have just been hanging around the house. We did buy Jack some new shoes and sandals. His feet are growing so fast he's barely worn the sneakers we got him for his birthday. Oh well, his brother will get some use out of them :)
Yesterday we had some people over for a cookout. One of the soon-tobe interns was in town with his wife and son looking for houses. Their son is about 4 months older than Jack and they got to play and run around so that was fun. Jack will have a new little playmate in a couple months. So we had them and another couple over and of course the guys watched the Final Four. Unfortunately UNC couldn't pull through with a win. Below are some pictures of Jack and Sam playing.