Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First time Home owners!!

After almost 12 YEARS of moving and renting we have bought our very own home!! We are in the process of moving and will be done by the end of June. We are very excited, mostly to know that we do not plan to move for again for a long time!!

I will post pictures of the house after we move in and get settled. We are having the bedrooms painted so have been waiting for that to be done before we officially move everything else. It is brick home with 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. The only thing we need to do is put up a fence, which hopefully will be done in a few months, after we get our tax credit!

Not too much else going on, I think the house and moving is enough! Jack finished up school last week and they had a little party. He still goes same day/time but it's a summer program and is in a new class with new teachers. It was a little bit of a transition on Monday when it was his first day, but he has a lot of kids from his old class so that helped.

Jack at his last day of preschool

Jack and Patrick are both taking swim lessons at the Y. Jack wasn't too thrilled the first class. Patrick did a little better. We will just keep taking lessons until they are comfortable in the water and can swim on their own.

Nothing much planned for the summer. Some weekend we'll plan a trip to the beach for a few days. Then in August we'll take a trip up to the Adirondacks.

Some random pictures. Video to be added soon:

Boys dancing:

Giving daddy his birthday present

Jack at T-Ball practice

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!

Today was Jack's 3rd birthday and what a busy/fun day he had! He woke up to balloons and presents and a birthday muffin. Then off to school wearing his new Flyers jersey!

Singing Happy Birthday in the morning

opening presents

I LOVE my new jersey :)

Patrick and I brought cupcakes for his class at lunchtime and they all sang Happy Birthday. Jack even sang.... "Happy Birthday to me!" Too cute!

When Mike got home from work we went to the Build A Bear workshop. We had already bought a Flyers hockey uniform so we just made the bear, which Jack thought was really cool, and dressed him all up. His name is "Max".

Then off to dinner at TGIFridays. We had to convince him that they had really good chicken nuggets and french fries like Chik-fil-A. They even sang Happy Birthday and brought out an icecream sundae :) Jack did not like this at all, I think all the singing and clapping scared him. Patrick was happy eating all the icecream! Back home for his real Birthday cake. I think it came out pretty good, but if I had more time to plan it I would have done it differently, but Jack still loved it :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

For those that still check our blog I apologize for not keeping it updated. I use Facebook alot more these days but will TRY to keep up with this too. The holidays, as always, went by too fast! We were busy but had a great time and boys just loved every minute of Christmas! This was the first year Jack got to help make and decorate Christmas cookies and we had so much fun. Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Theresa and Uncle Luke's house for a delicious Italian fish dinner and even yummier desserts! Christmas we stayed in and since it rained all day it was a perfect day to stay in. If it was snow we would have had a ton because it poured! The boys loved everything Santa brought so it was a really good day. I made my mom's traditional cinnamon rolls for breakfast, love them! And we even made a big turkey dinner and had lots of leftovers :)

making christmas cookies

Christmas Eve

playing with their new train table

I have to mention that over the Christmas weekend we (I should say *I*) :) potty trained Jack!!! It took 3 full days but he is completely potty trained! We are so proud of him and he is proud of himself too! Now it's Patrick's turn....

For New Years we drove down to Palm Coast Florida to visit my mom and Ron. My grandma and George came over New Years day and we had a nice lunch and the boys played with all the cool presents from grandma. Unfortunately it was cold while we were there but we did take a trip to St. Augestine and visited the fort and walked around the town and had lunch.

opening presents and grandma's

Next up is Jack's birthday. 3 YEARS OLD!! We plan to take him out to dinner and to the Build a Bear workshop. We bought him a little Flyers hockey outfit so he can build his own bear, should be fun! He is all about hockey so we signed him up for skating lessons and bought him skates and a helmet for his birthday. His first lesson is next weekend, can't wait! We will have a birthday party for him the following week so grandma and papa can come down.

Monday, November 16, 2009

GG's visit and more

I've been behind, but nevertheless here is a quick update:

GG and Great Grandpa George stopped for a visit on their way down to Florida. Both boys were good and had a great time! We hope to visit them in Florida soon!

GG, Jack and Patrick

Great Grandpa George and the boys

Jack had his first school pictures! He looks so grown up and handsome :)

Jack's first school picture

Grandma and uncle Sammy visited for a weekend. We had great weather and lots of fun.

Patrick had his first real haircut and did pretty well.

Patrick after his haircut

That was just a quick update. More to come with the holidays approaching!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Jack singing....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall is here!

October is my favorite month! Love everything about Fall, from the food (of course!) to the weather and decorations. I am in the process of getting the boys' halloween costumes, cannot wait to take them trick or treating!

A couple weeks ago we went down to Camden, SC for baby Nahra's baptism. She is Mike's youngest cousin. Aunt Ann and Uncle Paul live there and it is a beautiful southern country town. We had a nice visit and the boys loved playing with all the other kids.

This past Saturday we took the boys to a pumpkin farm. We went on a hayride to pick out pumpkins, visited with some of the farm animals, played on the playground and ate lunch.

Patrick enjoying the hayride

Looking for some pumpkins

Jack and his pumpkin

Friday, September 18, 2009

Quick update and videos of the boys

It's almost Fall! Love this time of year. Already have a Halloween costume idea for the boys, just need to get the costumes.

Grandma and Papa visited a couple weeks ago. Mike and I went to a movie and dinner for our Anniversary, which was nice. We all went to Discovery Place uptown, where the boys played in the kids area. They mostly played with the train table set. They both love trains! That is already on our Christmas List :)

Jack is doing well in Preschool. The drop-off is getting much easier now and he seems to be getting involved more and having fun. Both boys are doing great. Jack is getting over another ear infection though but otherwise is fine.

No other big events coming up yet.
I finally uploaded some videos of the boys:

Here is Jack and Mike playing football:

Lots of giggles!

Patrick walking with his trains: