Thursday, March 26, 2009

Patrick update and more video

Patrick met with the urologist today and his surgery is scheduled for May 26. Let's just hope he doesn't get sick right before so we don't have to reschedule!

Here is a link to video of Jack dancing to some irish music!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Just for you grandma!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Enjoying the warm weather!

This past weekend was the Irish Festival in Richmond. It isn't so much an Irish fest as a Beer fest with some Irish sprinkled in. Buffalo had a REAL Irish festival! But this was fun and the weather was warm and sunny. Jack had fun dancing to the music. Sorry for the crooked video, but I can't figure out how to turn it the right way, I think Mike recorded it that way.

Jack dancing

Hanging out at the Irish Festival

Sunday I took Jack to a local winery where we met up with my friend and her son, Jackson. They are good buddies and had a great time!

Jack and Jackson at Woodland Vineyards

Jack finished his last session of soccer and debating on signing him up again. We'll be gone a lot of upcoming weekends so not sure what we'll do.

This coming weekend I'm running in a 10K (6.2 miles). I've never ran 6 miles so we'll see how it goes!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

More videos

Here are links to new videos:

Here is Patrick first crawling, he's a pro now!

This one is great! Jack is doing all kinds of things to get Patrick to laugh:

An update on Patrick's appointment today... He did really well. It was much easier than Jack, mainly because Jack was older and wanted to run around. We'll get the results in a couple weeks. Next week Patrick meets with the urologist and we'll schedule his surgery. Can't wait for it to all be over!

Oh, 1 more thing! I took a picture of Patrick a few days ago when he was trying to pull himself up to stand. I have almost the same exact photo of Jack at the same age! Photos are below. Crazy how similar they are, almost twins!!

Jack at 7 months standing

Patrick Standing at 7 months

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finally a new update!

I know, I know I'm finally getting around to updating this. A lot has been going on over the past month, I don't even know where to begin!

First I should say that I havn't had the time to update this or much of anything else lately now that Jack has decided to NOT nap! I try every day and at least give him some "quiet" time in his room, but very rarely will he fall asleep. If it's nice then we'll go for a walk, and of course he falls asleep then! It's frustrating and exhausting but just something else I need to adjust to.

Another thing I need to adjust to is Patrick crawling! Yup at almost 8 months he is officially crawling. I have some video I am uploading now so will post that when it is done. I forgot what it was like to have to constantly watch and pick up and move him, all the time! Jack and Patrick "play" together and laugh and is so fun to watch. I have video of Jack making Patrick laugh and will post that soon too. Patrick loves to laugh and loves the camera! You can see in every picture of him he's always smiling.

Last weekend Mike's mom Debbie and Frank came to watch the boys over night while we had a "date night". We stayed at a hotel downtown and went to dinner and actually got to sleep in! It was so nice and we are so thankful to them for doing that for us. They had a great time with the boys and really tired them out! Mike took Jack to a hockey game, which he loved. He still keeps saying: Fun, hockey :)

This weekend is the Irish Festival so that will be fun. I made the usual corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty's day and even went all out and made Jack green shamrock pancakes . But of course forgot to get pictures of that. Next year....

One last thing, tomorrow Patrick has his appt. with the Hematology to get tested with the DDAVP. This will be a looong appt. I'm not looking forward to it, we'll be there for about 3 hours! Thankfully my friend is watching Jack. Hopefully he'll do fine and will post the results when we get them in a week or 2.

Enjoy the pictures! Check back in a day or 2 and I'll have the links to the videos.

First bath together

Asleep after a nice long walk

Drawing with chalk

Always smiling for the camera