Friday, November 28, 2008

He grows up!

It has been awhile since my last upate. We have been busy! Last weekend we drove to Charlotte. It was our first big road trip with Patrick. The boys did pretty well in the car. Thank heaven for portable DVD players! The purpose of the trip was mainly so Mike could talk to his Uncle Pat about business stuff and get a contract started. Only 7 more months!!! I don't know who is more excited for him to start working - me, Uncle Pat or Mike. It was a quick trip and we didn't get to visit with everyone but we'll be back down again soon to look at houses!

For Thanksgiving we drove up to Mike's moms Wednesday and came back Thursday night. We had a delicious dinner and desserts! (I made homemade pumpkin pie - yum!) Of course Jack didn't eat ANYTHING! I think he's getting sick and hasn't really been eating much of anything lately. Patrick is growing and moving all over. He rolls over and likes to be on his tummy and look all around. He has his 4 month checkup next Tuesday.

So, the big news is that Jack is now in his toddler bed! He's all grown up! On Monday he climbed out of his crib! I think because he did it in the pack n play when we were in Charlotte so he tried it again. He only did it that day but Mike went right out and bought the toddler bed and we just put it up today and he's napping in there now. He seems to be adjusting to it fine. The problem will be when he wakes up if he'll just get out and start playing. But the plus side to all of this is that Patrick now has a crib.
This weekend we are cleaning and organizing rooms and getting all the Christmas stuff out. I think we're getting the tree today too!
I have some photos I need to post, maybe later this weekend.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visit from GG, Words and Rolling

Last week my grandma and George stopped to visit on their way down to Florida. It was their first time meeting Patrick. He stayed awake for a little while and gave some smiles. Jack enjoyed playing with both of them. A funny story... we have been calling my grandma GG (great grandma) but when my grandma asked Jack where G was (the letter G) he kept pointing to George! So from now on George is GG and grandma is Great Grandma. :)

Jack is talking more and saying more words that we can actually understand. I keep writing about this because he's almost 2 and it seems like he's behind from other kids his age, but he seems to be catching up now. His speaking voice is so cute! And other big news - Patrick is rolling over! He is getting so big so fast! I think he might have brown hair too, he hasn't lost as much as Jack did so it might just start to grow in now. This weekend is Patrick's baptism so will have more to update and more pictures.

GG, Jack and Great Grandma

Great Grandma getting Patrick to smile.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween and 5K Challenge

This was the first year that Jack actually went trick or treating. We first had a party at playgroup where there were lots of snacks and crafts. Jack wore his pumpkin outfit that Grandma Salvato got and Patrick had on a cute pumpkin onesie. That night we first went to a mall where they had trick or treating, which was ok, but I wanted Jack to have the real experience of trick or treating at houses and seeing all the decorations. So we drove around looking for a nice neighborhood and I walked house to house with Jack. He seemed to really like it, he didn't want to get back in the car! Thank you Jack for getting mommy and daddy some candy! :)

Back in the car going through his candy.

Jack giving Patrick a kiss.

Jack coloring at playgroup.

All ready to go tricks or treating!

Saturday morning I ran in the 5K Challenge race sponsored by State Farm. It wasn't a huge race, which was good since I havn't ran in forever. I actually have not run 3 miles since BEFORE I got pregnant! My time was just under 29 minutes, which is not that good, but was happy considering I havn't been running much. But now my friend, who I ran with Saturday, is into running now so we're keeping each other motivated and have plans to run in some upcoming races. Once a week we are taking turns watching each others kids while the other runs. This is a big help for me since it is so hard to run with Mike's schedule.

This is a busy week coming up. Tuesday is Election Day! It's my first time voting so I'm excited - I just hope the right guy wins!! Wednesday my grandma and George will be here for the night. I'm excited for them to meet Patrick for the first time.
Have a good week!