Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy week

Lots to report about this past week. Jack had his follow up appointment with the urologist and everything is healing just fine. A few stitches still need to dissolve but other than that he's doing great. He also had a follow up appointment to check his weight and I'm happy to report that he gained almost 2 pounds in 1 month! It's been stressful and frustrating trying to get him to eat, most of the time I have to chase him around and shove food in his mouth! I don't plan to do that too much longer, especially when the baby comes. He's eating much better though and is growing so that is good. He's just SO active!

I had my 34 week appointment and everything is going well. My doctor has scheduled my c-section for July 25th! I will be about 39 weeks at that time. She is out the following week so it had to be then. It isn't the best time for Mike as he is Chief resident now and will be busy with a lot of surgeries that month, but if I can have the baby out then that's what I'm doing!! So if everything continues to go well and I don't go into labor sooner then that is the big day.

A friend of ours, who is a wife of one of the other residents, is a teacher and is off for the summer and has offered to babysit Jack whenever she can, so... I took her up on that! She watched Jack while I had my doctors appointment and also while I pampered myself and got a pedicure. She invited us over to the pool at her apartment complex and Jack really loved being in the pool. We will have to go again this week if the weather is nice.

Last thing I want to write about is on Saturday night we went to the annual Chief Dinner, which is a dinner for the graduating residents. Grandma and Papa came down to watch Jack for the night so we were able to go. It was a nice evening and exciting to see the official start of Mike's 4th AND FINAL YEAR!!! Part of what goes on is the upcoming Chiefs get their coats presented to them. I took a picture but it came out really dark so I tried my best to lighten it up. The best part of the night was that Mike received an award of excellence ("it's a major award"). He received the highest percentage on this years OMSSAT exam, which is an exam they take every year. He got a framed certificate and a check. We are very proud of him, especially since he has worked so hard. He gets up at 4am to read so he can spend time at night with Jack and I. I honestly don't know how he does it, but am very greatful and so proud of him.

Mike with his "major award"

Mike being given his Chief Resident coat

Just a random picture of Jack being a little ham for the camera.

Monday, June 9, 2008

32 Weeks

As you can see I'm getting HUGE! It is pretty much all baby too. And because of that I can feel every little move he makes and boy let me tell you, it doesn't always feel good! Everything is continuing to go well. I am tired a lot now and just plain uncomfortable. I'm hoping he comes early but Mike insists he has to wait until August! He's chief resident in July so for his work schedule it would be better if he came in August, but I just don't want to wait! We'll see what happens, he'll arrive when he's good and ready.

Today I went to see a nutritionist for Jack. That went well and it was interesting to see what and how much of things he should be eating. Hopefully this will help and he'll start gaining some weight now. It's just a lot of work on my part trying to make sure he gets the right number of servings and portions a day. Other than that he's doing great. We're just trying to keep cool in this 100+ degree weather!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Successful Surgery

Today was the big day, and I'm so glad it's over! We got to the hospital at 6am but they didn't take Jack back until almost 9am because they had to give the IV and other medication started. The surgery went really well and Jack did great. The only thing he hated was getting the IV put into his foot but once that was in he was fine. They gave him some pain reliever/relaxers and boy did they work! You can tell from these pictures he was kinda out of it. The "crib" they had him in was huge! It looks like a cage! He seemed to enjoy it though.

We got him a big froggy balloon to take home which he loves. He's pretty sleepy today and hopefully will be back to himself by tomorrow. We have to go back in a month to have the urologist check him out. In the meantime he gets some medication for a week to prevent any bleeding. I'm so glad it's over, I just wish we didn't have to go through it again with the next baby!