Saturday, August 23, 2008

1 month under our belt

Well it's hard to believe that little Patrick is already 1 month old today. He's definitely grown and we'll find out just how much on Monday when he has his 1 month checkup. He's eating more and mostly sleeping well at night. Everyone thinks he looks just like Jack but I can see some differences for sure. Jack likes to "help" get Patrick's paci when it falls out and he'll give him kisses goodnight which is so sweet. Jack is growing so fast too. He may still be in the 5th % but he seems huge to me now. He's still not talking yet but we're trying. I'm sure one of these days he'll start out of nowhere and we won't be able to keep him quiet!

Not too much else going on. This was a quiet week. I had a 24 hour bug Thurs-Fri so we didn't make it to playgroup, but Mike came home early and took Jack to the park. Jack had soccer this morning and now we'll just hang out and relax all weekend.
I'm still soar, which is very frustrating for me. I think at this time with Jack I was already doing some exercising but I don't feel close to that yet. I'm hoping soon I will be back to my old self. :)

Patrick - 1 month

Jack getting Patrick's paci

Monday, August 11, 2008

Update and pictures

Today is the first day on my own with the boys... it has been interesting for sure. It'll get easier as we get into a schedule. (I hope!). I just wanted to add a few pictures. We enrolled Jack into a soccer program for 18-24 month olds. He's gone 3 times and seems to enjoy it, at least just running around. He doesn't really get involved and do what he's suppose to but it's early and he'll catch on. It's fun to watch him and he has a friend in the class too, one of the other resident's son, Sam.

Jack at soccer camp with Sam

We bought Patrick a little floor playmat, although he's a little too young for it, we tried it out anyways. Jack and Murphy seemed to like it more right now.

Trying out Patrick's new playmat

My mom was here all last week and I was very sad to see her go. She was a HUGE help! We took Jack to the park which he hasn't been in awhile and it was good to get him outside and burn some energy, because he has alot of it! Wish my mom could have stayed for another week, although I'm sure Jack wore her out and she was ready to get home for a break :)
Grandma and the boys

Nothing else going on now, just hoping to get into a routine and get some much needed sleep! Ha ha, like that will ever happen! (Like instead of updating this blog I should be napping...)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Family of 4

Well it's been 2 weeks since little Patrick was born. Life has certainly changed quite a bit. Mike was home for a week and my mom has been here this week but starting Monday I will be all on my own and VERY nervous about that! It'll just take some time to get into a routine, but it's still going to be tough. If anyone has suggestions for me, bring them on! :)

Jack has been good with Patrick so far. He looks for him in the morning and will point to him and push him in his swing, but then will go on to doing his own thing. They are both very cute and we are so proud of our little boys. Here's a couple pictures for now. I've already sent out a bunch, as most of you should have gotten them.

Jack holding his little brother

Little Patrick