Thursday, July 17, 2008

6 more days!!

Well it's official, my doctor called today and my c-section is next Wednesday. I just have to hang in there for 6 more days! I just hope he doesn't come sooner so I better really take it easy the next several days. Expect an update next weekend!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

37 weeks...

Well it could be any day now! I had my 37 week appointment today and I am now 1 cm dialated. My doctor is going to see about rescheduling my c-section for next Wednesday instead of Friday. She's going on vacation after Friday but wants to make sure she's around after the surgery to see that everything is ok, which is fine with me! She is going to talk with the ultrasound doctor - I know there's a technical name for that but can't think of it - to make sure it would be safe for the baby. It's only 2 days earlier so hopefully it'll be ok. Although, there is still a chance I could go into labor before that! I'm hoping not but if this little guy is ready to come out I won't fight it! :) I will keep you updated.
On another note, Jack is doing great. He has now figured out how to climb onto the couch so that's his favorite thing to do, go up and down off the couch.

Monday, July 7, 2008

2 weeks and 4 days...

The countdown has begun. 2 weeks and 4 days until July 25th - my scheduled c-section. I had my 36 week appointment this morning along with another ultrasound and everything is going well. The baby measures 6 lbs. 6 oz, he's already bigger than when Jack was born. I continue to push through and just take it day by day. It is definitely harder this time around, mostly because the baby is VERY low. But I know it's not for much longer!

Our 4th of July weekend was quiet and relaxing. Mike was actually home for 3 whole days! I can't remember when he's been home for a whole weekend so it was nice to have him around and to just be able to rest and relax. I definitely needed it. We did go to a Tomato Festival and Jack got to see some animals. We didn't stay long since I can't really walk for very long, but it was a nice day to be outside. Other than that we really havn't been up to too much. Mike is crazy busy at work but doing well. Jack and I just hang out at home since I need to stay off my feet as much as possible. We have a couple play dates coming up though so that will be fun.

Jack chasing a goat

Jack petting a goat

Jack and Murphy

Jack sitting in his new baseball chair

And that's that! Until next time...