Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First time Home owners!!

After almost 12 YEARS of moving and renting we have bought our very own home!! We are in the process of moving and will be done by the end of June. We are very excited, mostly to know that we do not plan to move for again for a long time!!

I will post pictures of the house after we move in and get settled. We are having the bedrooms painted so have been waiting for that to be done before we officially move everything else. It is brick home with 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. The only thing we need to do is put up a fence, which hopefully will be done in a few months, after we get our tax credit!

Not too much else going on, I think the house and moving is enough! Jack finished up school last week and they had a little party. He still goes same day/time but it's a summer program and is in a new class with new teachers. It was a little bit of a transition on Monday when it was his first day, but he has a lot of kids from his old class so that helped.

Jack at his last day of preschool

Jack and Patrick are both taking swim lessons at the Y. Jack wasn't too thrilled the first class. Patrick did a little better. We will just keep taking lessons until they are comfortable in the water and can swim on their own.

Nothing much planned for the summer. Some weekend we'll plan a trip to the beach for a few days. Then in August we'll take a trip up to the Adirondacks.

Some random pictures. Video to be added soon:

Boys dancing:

Giving daddy his birthday present

Jack at T-Ball practice


Jenny T. said...

Yay! SO happy for you! Looks like life is good in N.C. :)

Sheila said...

I haven't checked out your blog is a looong time...got a wild hare this morning and thought I'd take a chance in hopes that you've updated it. Yey, you have!!!!